Tag: delivery

  • Is Retained Placenta a Medical Emergency?

    Retained placenta can be defined as lack of expulsion of the placenta within 30 minutes of birth of the baby, with all or part of the placenta remaining in the uterus. This condition, while not common, poses significant risks to the mother and must be treated promptly. Sometimes a piece of placenta is left behind…

  • Injury to the clitoris during childbirth.

    While much attention is rightly placed on the health and well-being of the newborn and medical advancements have significantly reduced the risks associated with childbirth, certain injuries, though less discussed, can occur, including injury to the clitoris. Despite its sensitive nature, understanding and addressing clitoral injury during childbirth is crucial for both women’s health and…

  • Do I Need a Birth Plan?

    What is a Birth Plan? A birth plan is a way of letting your healthcare providers know what you want to happen during your labour and after the birth. It’s a chance to plan things like where you want to give birth, who’s going to be with you during the birth, and what facilities you’d like…

  • Do I need a C-Section?

    Too Many Caesarean Sections Introduction: Caesarean section, often abbreviated as C-section, has become a common surgical procedure worldwide, accounting for a significant proportion of births in many countries. Initially reserved for emergencies, C-sections can be lifesaving in certain situations, this procedure has evolved over time, raising concerns about their overuse and the potential risks associated…