Tag: forceps delivery

  • Understanding Birth Trauma: What You Need to Know

    Childbirth is often depicted as a joyous and celebratory occasion, but for some, it can be a traumatic experience with lasting effects. Birth trauma refers to physical or psychological injuries sustained by either the mother or the baby during the birthing process. While it’s not uncommon for childbirth to be challenging, birth trauma goes beyond…

  • Injury to the clitoris during childbirth.

    While much attention is rightly placed on the health and well-being of the newborn and medical advancements have significantly reduced the risks associated with childbirth, certain injuries, though less discussed, can occur, including injury to the clitoris. Despite its sensitive nature, understanding and addressing clitoral injury during childbirth is crucial for both women’s health and…

  • What is a Forceps Delivery? A Complete Guide

    What is a Forceps Delivery? A Complete Guide Introduction: In the field of obstetrics, forceps have long been invaluable tools used to assist in difficult deliveries. While their usage has declined with the advent of other techniques such as vacuum extraction and Caesarean Section, forceps delivery still holds a significant place in obstetric practice. This…